Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Short Cut Keys

What is Short Cut Keys ?

  1. A special key combination that causes a specific command to be executed. Typically, shortcut keys combine the Ctrl or Alt keys with some other keys. In Windows environments, for example, Ctrl +C is used as the shortcut key to copy. On PCs, the function keys are also often used as shortcut keys.

Most applications come with some shortcut keys already defined. Many, however, allow you to define your own shortcut keys for frequently-used commands
Run Commands

Basic Run Command Information

It is accessible in one of two ways: through the start menu (Figure 1) and through the shortcut key Win+R. The dialog itself looks very unassuming, and quite user unfriendly if you ask me (Figure 2). Its main purpose, as you can see from the dialog information, is to open a program, folder, document, or Internet resource which Windows will then open.

Figure 1 - Run on the Start Menu

Microsoft Office WORD

List of shortcut keys for the program Microsoft Word

Action Keybord shortcut
Application window-maximize Alt-F10
Application window-previous Alt-Shift-F6
Application window-restore Alt-F5
AutoFormat Ctrl-Alt-K
AutoText-create Alt-F3
AutoText-insert entry Ctrl-Alt-V
AutoText-insert entry F3
Bold Ctrl-B
Bookmarks Ctrl-Shift-F5
Break-column Ctrl-Shift-Enter
Break-page Ctrl-Enter
Browse a document Ctrl-Alt-Home
Browse next/previous item Ctrl-PgDn/PgUp
Capatilize word shift+f3
Case-All Caps Ctrl-Shift-A
Close Ctrl-F4
Close Ctrl-W
Copy Ctrl + C
Copy formatting Ctrl-Shift-C
Create a nonbreaking hyphen CTRL+HYPHEN
Create a nonbreaking space CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Customize a menu Ctrl-Alt =
Customize a shortcut Ctrl-Alt-Num +
Cut Ctrl-X
Date Field Alt-Shift-D
Decrease font size CTRL+SHIFT+<
Dialog box next tabbed section Ctrl-Tab
Dialog box previous tabbed section Ctrl-Shift-Tab
Document window-move Ctrl-F7
Document window-restore Ctrl-F5
Document window-size Ctrl-F8
Drawing-constrain shape to symmetrical Shift-drag
Drawing-draw from center Ctrl-drag
Ellipsis Ctrl-Alt-
Em Dash Ctrl-Alt-Num -
Endnote Ctrl-Alt-E
Exit application Alt-F4
Fields-display code Shift-F9
Fields-display codes (toggle) Alt-F9
Fields-double-click in field Alt-Shift-F9
Fields-insert blank field Ctrl-F9
Fields-lock a field Ctrl-3
Fields-lock a field Ctrl-F11
Fields-next field F11
Fields-previous field Shift-F11
Fields-unlink a field Ctrl-6
Fields-unlink a field Ctrl-Shift-F9
Fields-unlock a field Ctrl-4
Fields-unlock a field Ctrl-Shift-F11
Fields-update Alt-Shift-U
Fields-update link in source Ctrl-Shift-F7
Fields-update selected field F9
Find Find Ctrl + F
Font Ctrl-D
Font Ctrl-Shift-F
Font grow/shrink 1 pt Ctrl- ] or [
Font next/previous size Ctrl-Shift- >or <
Font Size Ctrl-Shift-P Font Size Ctrl-Shift-P
Footnote Ctrl-Alt-F
Create a new blank document Ctrl + N
Go Back Ctrl-Alt-Z
Go Back Shift-F5
GoTo Ctrl-G
GoTo Next/Previous Paragraph Ctrl-Up/Down
GoTo Next/Previous Word Ctrl-Left/Right
Graphic-crop Shift-drag
Graphic-original proportions Ctrl-click
Hanging indent-decrease Ctrl-Shift-T
Hanging Indent-increase Ctrl-T
Hard hyphen - Ctrl-Shift -
Hard space Hard space
Header/Footer-link to previous Alt-Shift-R
Heading Level 1 Ctrl-Alt-1
Heading Level 2 Ctrl-Alt-2
Heading Level 3 Ctrl-Alt-3
Help F1
Help-Whats This? Shift-F1
Hidden text Ctrl-Shift-H
Hyperlink Ctrl-K
CTRL+SHIFT+> Increase font size
Indent-decrease Ctrl-Shift-M
Indent-increase Ctrl-M
Ctrl-Alt-M Insert Comment
Insert ListNum field Ctrl-Alt-L
Italics Ctrl-I
Justify-Center Ctrl-E
Justify-Full Ctrl-J
Justify-Left Ctrl-L
Justify-Right Ctrl-R
Line-spacing Ctrl-1
Line-spacing 1.5 Ctrl-5
Line-spacing 2 Ctrl-2
List Bullet Style Ctrl-Shift-L
Macros-edit Alt-F8
Macros-view VBA code Alt-F11
Mark-Index entry Alt-Shift-X
Mark-TOA citation Alt-Shift-I
Mark-TOC entry entry Alt-Shift-O
Maximize window Ctrl-F10
Menu Bar F10
Merge-data edit Alt-Shift-E
Merge-field insert Alt-Shift-F
Merge-preview Alt-Shift-K
Merge-to document Alt-Shift-N
Merge-to printer Alt-Shift-M
Microsoft Script Editor Alt-Shift-F11
Microsoft System Info Ctrl-Alt-F1
Move between master/subdocument Ctrl-\
Newline within paragraph Shift-Enter
Next window Ctrl-F6
Nonprinting characters Ctrl-Shift-8
Normal Style Ctrl-Shift-N Ctrl-Shift-N
Open a document Ctrl-O
Open Ctrl + O Opens a saved document
Outlining-collapse Alt-Shift-Num -
Outlining-expand Alt-Shift =
Outlining-expand Alt-Shift-Num +
Outlining-move Alt-Shift-Up/Down
Outlining-promote/demote Alt-Shift-Left/Right
Outlining-Show 1st line Alt-Shift-L
Outlining-Show All Headings Alt-Shift-A
Outlining-Show Heading 1 Alt-Shift-1
Outlining-Show Heading 2 Alt-Shift-2
Outlining-Show Heading 3 Alt-Shift-3
Outlining-Show Heading 4 Alt-Shift-4
Outlining-Show Heading 5 Alt-Shift-5
Outlining-Show Heading 6 Alt-Shift-6
Outlining-Show Heading 7 Alt-Shift-7
Outlining-Show Heading 8 Alt-Shift-8
Outlining-Show Heading 9 Alt-Shift-9
Page number field Alt-Shift-P
Pane-Close Alt-Shift-C
Paragraph Space Above (add/delete 12 pt.)Ctrl-0 Ctrl-0 (zero)
Paste Ctrl-V
Print Ctrl-P
Print Preview Ctrl-Alt-I
Redo the last action CTRL+Y
Remove Character formats Ctrl-Shift-Z
Remove menu item Ctrl-Alt -
Remove Paragraph formats Ctrl-Q
Remove paragraph or character formatting CTRL+SPACEBAR
Repeat the last command Ctrl-Y
Repeat Find Ctrl-Alt-Y
Repeat Find Shift-F4 Repeat Find Shift-F4
Replace Ctrl-H
Revision Marks on/off Ctrl-Shift-E
Save As F12
Save Ctrl-S
Select All Ctrl-A
Selection extended F8
Selection reduced Shift-F8
Shortcut Menu Shift-F10
Small Caps Ctrl-Shift-K
Soft hyphen - Ctrl -
Spelling and Grammar check F7
Spell-It-display next misspelling Alt-F7
Spike-cut to Ctrl-F3
Spike-paste Ctrl-Shift-F3
Split a window Ctrl-Alt-S
Style box Ctrl-Shift-S
Subscript Ctrl =
Symbol Font Ctrl-Shift-Q
Table-remove border lines Ctrl-Alt-U
Table-to column bottom Alt-PgDn
Table-to column top Alt-PgUp
Table-to row beginning Alt-Home
Table-to row end Alt-End
Thesaurus Shift-F7
Time Field Alt-Shift-T
To bottom/top of screen Ctrl-Alt-PgDn/PgUp
Type (c) Ctrl-Alt-C
Type (r) Ctrl-Alt-R
Type (tm) Ctrl-Alt-T
underline CTRL+U
Underline-double Ctrl-Shift-D
Underline-word Ctrl-Shift-W
Undo Ctrl-Z
View-Normal Ctrl-Alt-N
View-Outline Ctrl-Alt-O
View-Page Ctrl-Alt-P
Window pane-next F6
Window pane-previous Shif

Run Commands For word

We can launch Microsoft Word application from run window by running the command winword
Run command for Microsoft word
Note that this command does not work from command line as winword.exe location is not added to the PATH environment variable. However, we can use the below command to open Word application from command prompt.

Microsoft Of Excel

Microsoft Excel shortcut key

Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel. See the computer shortcut page if you are looking for other shortcut keys used in other programs.
Shortcut KeysDescription
F2Edit the selected cell.
F5Go to a specific cell. For example, C6.
F7Spell check selected text or document.
F11Create chart.
Ctrl + Shift + ;Enter the current time.
Ctrl + ;Enter the current date.
Alt + Shift + F1Insert New Worksheet.
Shift + F3Open the Excel formula window.
Shift + F5Bring up search box.
Ctrl + ASelect all contents of the worksheet.
Ctrl + BBold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + IItalic highlighted selection.
Ctrl + KInsert link.
Ctrl + UUnderline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + 5Strikethrough highlighted selection.
Ctrl + PBring up the print dialog box to begin printing.
Ctrl + ZUndo last action.
Ctrl + F9Minimize current window.
Ctrl + F10Maximize currently selected window.
Ctrl + F6Switch between open workbooks / windows.
Ctrl + Page upMove between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.
Ctrl + Page downMove between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.
Ctrl + TabMove between Two or more open Excel files.
Alt + =Create a formula to sum all of the above cells
Ctrl + 'Insert the value of the above cell into cell currently selected.
Ctrl + Shift + !Format number in comma format.
Ctrl + Shift + $Format number in currency format.
Ctrl + Shift + #Format number in date format.
Ctrl + Shift + %Format number in percentage format.
Ctrl + Shift + ^Format number in scientific format.
Ctrl + Shift + @Format number in time format.
Ctrl + Arrow key Move to next section of text.
Ctrl + SpaceSelect entire column.
Shift + SpaceSelect entire row.

Run Command For Microsoft Excel

We can open Excel application from Run by executing the command ‘excel
Run command for excel and excel command line options
However, ‘excel’ command does not work from command prompt. We need to use start to open excel application from command line.

Microsoft Office Access
List Of Short Cut Key For The Program Microsoft                 Access

Cut current line and copy to ClipboardCtrl-Y
Cycle through sectionsF6/Shift-F6
Cycle through tab of each object's type (forward)Ctrl-Tab
Cycle through tab of each object's type (backward)Ctrl-Shift-Tab
Database windowF11
Delete current recordCtrl  -
Edit/Navigation mode (toggle)F2
Exit subform and move to next/previous field in next recordCtrl-Tab/Shift-Tab
Extend selection to next/previous recordShift-Dn/Up
Find NextShift-F4
Find PreviousShift-F3
Insert current dateCtrl  ;
Insert current timeCtrl  :
Insert default valueCtrl-Alt-spacebar
Insert new lineCtrl-Enter
Insert value from same field in previous recordCtrl  '
Menu barF10
Move to beginning/end of multiple-line fieldCtrl-Home/End
Move to current field in first/last record (Navigation mode)Ctrl-Up/Dn
Move to first field in first record (Navigation mode)Ctrl-Home
Move to first/last field in current record (Navigation mode)Home/End
Move to last field in last record (Navigation mode)Ctrl-End
Move to left edge of pageHome or Ctrl-Left
Move to page number/record number boxF5
Move to right edge of pageEnd or Ctrl-Right
New (object)Ctrl-N
New record (add)Ctrl  +
Next windowCtrl-F6
Open combo boxF4
Open in Design viewCtrl-Enter
Property sheetAlt-Enter
Refresh combo boxF9
Requery underlying tables in subformShift-F9
Save AsF12
Save current recordShift-Enter
Screen left/rightCtrl-PgUp/PgDn
Select/unselect column (Navigation mode)Ctrl-spacebar
Spelling/Grammar checkF7
Switch between upper/lower panesF6
Switch to Form viewF5
Turn on Move modeCtrl-F8
Undo previous extensionShift-F8
Zoom boxShift-F

Microsoft office PowerPoint

List Of Short Cut Key For The Program PowerPoint 

Action PowerPoint shortcut
Bold Ctrl-B
Close Ctrl-W
Close Ctrl-F4
Copy Ctrl-C
Find Ctrl-F
Italics Ctrl-I
Menu bar F10
New slide Ctrl-N
Next window Ctrl-F6
Open Ctrl-O
Paste Ctrl-V
Print Ctrl-P
Repeat Find Shift-F4
Repeat/Redo Ctrl-Y
Replace Ctrl-H
Save Ctrl-S
Slide Show: Begin F5
Slide Show: Black screen show/hide B
Slide Show: End Esc
Slide Show: Erase annotations E
Slide Show: Go to next hidden slide H
Slide Show: Hide pointer and button always Ctrl-L
Slide Show: Hide pointer and button temporarily Ctrl-H
Slide Show: Mouse pointer to arrow Ctrl-A
Slide Show: Mouse pointer to pen Ctrl-P
Slide Show: Next slide N
Slide Show: Previous slide P
Slide Show: Set new timings while rehearsing T
Slide Show: Stop/restart automatic slide show S
Slide Show: Use mouse-click to advance (rehearsing) M
Slide Show: Use original timings O
Slide Show: White screen show/hide W
Spelling and Grammar check F7
Switch to the next presentation window Ctrl-F6
Switch to the next tab in a dialog box Ctrl-Tab / Ctrl-Page Down
Switch to the previous presentation window Ctrl-Shift-F6
Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box Ctrl-Shift-Tab / Ctrl-Page Up
Turn character formatting on or of Num /
Underline Ctrl-U
Undo Ctrl-Z


  1. Thanks for sharing this informative post. You can also hop on to to know more shortcut keys.


  2. Thank you for the valuable knowledge computer Sir

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share more info about Run command tricks. please keep sharing.
    Best Useful Run Commands
